Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Unit 2 P7

Expected Result
Actual Result
Action required
Software applications open and run as intended
The required software should open and run smoothly and cause no problems to the computer.
The software ran as intended and didn’t affect the performance of the computer on a whole.
No action required
Default folder settings are correct
Any files that are saved should go to the intended place without any problems occurring.
The file that was saved went to where it was intended.
No action required
Desktop shortcuts go to the right place
The links on the desktop should take you to the intended program or document.
The desktop shortcut worked as intended and went to the place expected.
No action required
The correct device drivers are installed
When the device management was opened the correct device drivers should be installed.
When the management was opened the correct drivers were installed.
No action required
The correct paper sizes are set for printing
The printer should have the correct sized paper available as well as the computer being set to the right size.
The paper size was set correctly so the computer was able to print in the correct size.
No action required
Menu options work as intended
When using a program the menu options should be able to offer what is needed, for example, guidance on using a tool.
The menu options worked as normal and the program was able to work as normal.
No action required
The correct date and time are set
The time and day should be accurately set.
The date and time settings were correct
No action required

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