Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Unit 2 P5


Witness statement
Learner name
Kyle Mair
BTEC National 1st certificate in IT
Unit number and title
Unit 2.2 computer systems.
P5 set up a standalone computer system, installing hardware and software components [SM3]

Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)
After making a successful start in your role as an IT trainer for the IT Support Department of RS Components, you have been have been asked to prepare training material of a more advanced and practical kind.
Before you are allowed to do this you are required to prove your abilities in hardware and software upgrades.

Date achieved
Connect a monitor to a computer
20th May 2014
Connect a keyboard to a computer
20th May 2014
Connect a mouse to a computer
20th May 2014
Demonstrate where the graphics card is installed
20th May 2014
Install MS Office 2003
20th May 2014
Install MS security essentials
20th May 2014
Create a user account
20th May 2014
Configure system software, application software and documents
20th May 2014

Assessment and grading criteria
P5 set up a standalone computer system, installing hardware and software components [SM3]

For P5, learners must install at least one hardware and one software component in a stand-alone system.
This is best evidenced with a witness statement or observation record and screen shots. Learners must use suitable safety equipment/tools and pay due regard to health and safety issues.

How the activity meets the requirements of the assessment and grading criteria,
including how and where the activity took place
He was able to connect the keyboard, mouse and monitor. They worked fine when he turned on the computer. He installed a graphics card and then installed Microsoft Security and Microsoft Office. He then created a user account.

Witness name
 Cory Melville
Job role

Witness signature
 21st May 2014

Assessor name

Assessor signature


1 comment:

  1. www: this witness statement proves that you have set up a standalone computer system, installing hardware and software components. P5 achieved.
