The operating system on the computer is the core software that is installed on all new computers so when you first load up the computer all that is on there will be the operating software this is what interacts with your hardware and programs data & user's actions To create a User Interface' so human can interact with this system. Examples of these are;GUI (Graphical User Interface) Windows 98 Multi-user operating system, Windows 2000.
Every operation system will have preferences to the style of security it will provide and it will be able to control how protected you are and what you are protected from for example the security can protect you in different ways like there could be a section that specifically protects you from online threats and another section that makes sure your hardware is safe. The way the antivirus works is it scans downloads and attachments for viruses, and by running in the background when the user is surfing the Internet. Should the user come across a virus, the program will warn the user and give her the option of getting rid of it before it infects.
File Management
The operation system will have a specific way it will provide you options to manage were your files are and how to access them for example you can add folders and sub folders so you can be precise were your files are for example in IT my computer files are organised by having a IT folder and inside that is the unit folder and inside that is the work this helps because this way i can access the work that i want with ease without looking through hundreds of files looking for one this is all because of the operating system.
Device driver
A device driver operates or controls a particular type of device that is attached to a computer for example if you have a peripheral such as a printer and the computer is not compatible with the printer the computer will not be able to detect the printer this means you will need to update the drivers that is why most peripherals come with a software disk that will make the printer usable so the computer will detect it.
Machine and peripheral management
Machine and peripheral management
Without the operating system you would not be able to manage your drivers so the operation system could not boot the correct driver to allow the peripheral to have access to the computer because of being able to manage your drivers you can tell if you every need to update a driver to allow a peripheral to work.

www: good start to the task.
- you give examples of operating systems.
- explain how you can have multiple users on one computer and how files can be protected (Security).
- as the question requests you must add images or screen shots to illustrate your evidence.