Friday, 24 January 2014

Unit 30 P2


Brochures and Leaflets
For brochures and leaflets it would be more useful using both bitmap and vector because of the images and text. This is because the bitmap will help the text because it is on a small scale while the vector will allow the image to be enhanced without it becoming pixelated.

When putting an image on the side of a van then you will have to use vector graphic because the image needs to be enhanced because of the size of the van and if you used a Bitmap then the image would be blurry and hard to read or understand.


For a website you would have to use bitmap because that’s what is used for websites when creating graphics this is because all browsers recognize them, while only a few recognize vectors. Bitmap and vectors can both be saved as different kind off files. Bitmap can be saved under Jpegs while vector graphics can be saved as a PDFs.

1 comment:

  1. www. Another attempt. partly correct.
    ebi. You mentioned PDFs in the section on brochures and explain why the files are saved as PDFs.
    Also, when you resubmit work, DO NOT delete the original, as this then removes the feedback comments. You should post it as, for example,"P3 corrected."
