Friday, 24 January 2014

Unit 30 P2


Brochures and Leaflets
For brochures and leaflets it would be more useful using both bitmap and vector because of the images and text. This is because the bitmap will help the text because it is on a small scale while the vector will allow the image to be enhanced without it becoming pixelated.

When putting an image on the side of a van then you will have to use vector graphic because the image needs to be enhanced because of the size of the van and if you used a Bitmap then the image would be blurry and hard to read or understand.


For a website you would have to use bitmap because that’s what is used for websites when creating graphics this is because all browsers recognize them, while only a few recognize vectors. Bitmap and vectors can both be saved as different kind off files. Bitmap can be saved under Jpegs while vector graphics can be saved as a PDFs.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Unit 30 P1

   Hardware Basics
To have a computer that fully works with creating images and shapes, the computer will need basic things such as the monitor for the user to look at their work. Also the computer needs a keyboard so you can write things onto the computer to either help you with your work. Then one of the most important things a computer needs is the mouse, this is important because you need the mouse to click on to different documents and software in order to complete the work that you want to do. These are the basic things that you need with a computer to do most of the things that you need to do, if you didn't have a monitor, a keyboard or a mouse then you basically can’t use the computer.

Input Devices
There will have to be input devices in the computer to make sure that you can create images or make changes to them to fit the way you like your work for example a digital camera, this helps because a digital camera captures information and stores it on the device via the memory card. A scanner has to be in the computer, this stores data in a computer, this also can be used to scan and input data onto the computer. This is very useful because you can scan images and store them onto your computer then make changes to it. Another input device that a computer needs is a graphics tablet, a graphics tablet is an input device used to allow the user to draw a picture onto a computer screen without having to use a mouse or keyboard. It is a flat, touch-sensitive pad and a pen. The tablet is most suited for people who like to have that natural feel of a pen-like object unlike the mouse.

Output Devices
There also needs to be output devices. These include things such as a printer; this is needed because if you didn't have a printer, then you would not be able to show your work to people because it will only be on the computer. A projector is also an output device that would be needed. This is used for showing work on a bigger screen, the projector helps with this because it can connect to the computer and what is shown on the computer screen, will be shown on the projector. A vinyl cutter is also an output device; the vinyl cutter is important for sign making. Vinyl cutters are mainly used by to make signs, banners and advertisements. Advertisements seen on vehicles are often made with vinyl cut letters, vinyl cutters can also be used to cut out shapes from thin cardboard. 

To create graphic images and materials, you will need certain software’s; for example Photoshop and illustrator for example. On software’s you will find photo manipulation, this is an application where you can edit images using techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion or deception through digital means. On Photoshop you can also use drawing packages for logos. Desk top publishing is also software available on a computer; desktop publishing can produce text and images with attractive layouts. A desktop publishing system allows you to use different type faces, identify different margins and reasons, and insert illustrations and graphs directly into the text. The most powerful desktop publishing systems enables you to create illustrations; while less powerful systems let you insert illustrations created by other programs. You need software’s such as Photoshop and Illustrator in order to create different graphic images and change the layout of the images used to make it look a lot better if it’s by blending, shading or transforming the image. Photoshop and Illustrator have lots of different things on them to enable you to create lots of different images; these are really useful programs because it has allowed lots of different images to be created that are really famous.