Friday, 20 December 2013

Unit 1 M3

Unit 1 M3
There are three main types of learning, Visual, Kinaesthetic and Auditory. Visual learning is through seeing such as reading, Kinaesthetic learning is through doing and Auditory is through listening. Everyone has their own preferred way of learning.
Visual Learning
If you are a visual learner then you probably find it easier to learn through seeing objects. You will learn better from seeing pictures, graphs, things like mind maps and the use of bright colours. Being a visual learner might mean that you can retain information easier than other people. You might be able to remember things easier if you read it from a book or have written it down in the past.
Auditory Learning
If you are an auditory learner then you will find it easier to recall information that you have heard. Auditory learners prefer to have information told to them and might find it easier to learn from speaking to someone. Someone who learns this way will benefit from reading aloud to help memorise the information.
Kinaesthetic Learning
If you are a kinaesthetic learner then you prefer to be hands on with your work in order to learn the work. If you prefer to learn this way you might like demonstrations rather than talking about it. People that prefer this method will not enjoy sitting at a desk for a long period of time being told the information or writing stuff down they would rather get up and do things, they will also learn better if they are doing physical activity. Toy might be a more sporty or athletic person if you prefer being active.

The only learning style I don’t like is kinaesthetic but between the other two styles I prefer auditory. In lessons like science where most people like doing practical work I would prefer to be told how to do the experiment and leave it at that, whereas in a maths lesson I want to be able to see what I have to do by looking at examples and then I can do the work. I can learn with visual methods but it would be from looking at it over and over again whereas with auditory learning I can retain the information quicker. These are only my preferred style of learning but lots of people will have lots of different styles of learning.

1 comment:

  1. www. M3 Kyle a good piece of work .You have shown an awareness of the way learning styles can aid personal development. You have also made some evaluative comments your preferred styles. Good work.
